
Pool Prize Report - 3/28/2010 - Still may change.
Total number of entries: 155
Total number of free entries: 2
Entry fee: $5
Administrative cost (website, mailings, time & effort): $5
Pay Pal Fees :$0.50 * X (rounded up to next highest 5 dollars)
Total Pot: ( 153 * $5 ) - $5 - (148 * $.50 )
Total Pot: $765 - $5 - $75 = $685
Total Pot (Adjusted): $680 - $20 (4 missing donations) = $665
Total Pot (Fixed Prizes): $665 - $55 = $610 (for top 4 places)

1st Place: $365 (*~60%)
2nd Place: $120 (*~20%)
3rd Place: $60 (*~10%)
4th Place: $30 (*~5%)
5th Place: $20
6th Place: $15
7th Place: $10
8th Place: $5
Last Place: $5